3 Opportunities and 2 risks for creating well designed APIs to access system data and control all your equipment capabilities.
Lab Automation
Top 5 coding languages for laboratory robotics and automation – Robot-Reflections
A list of coding languages that robotics and automation focussed engineers or scientists could learn that will help prepare them for current and future challenges . I have ranked them in order of value to the average robotics/automation professional (#1 = highest value) based on versatility of the language and number of apparent use cases I could come up with and tried to describe why.
FAIR Robots to create and use FAIR data
It’s time to recognize F.A.I.R. not only applies to data. It also applies to the systems that generate or use FAIR data. In this article, we explore how the concepts of FAIR Robots.
Autonomous mobile robots have arrived… Are you ready?
Autonomous mobile robots have arrived. Autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) are capable of running safely and efficiently without human supervision. But can AMRs work for you? This article talks about some of the examples of where and how to us AMRs in the biologics laboratory.
What is a Liquid Handling Robot?
This article defines and introduces liquid handling robots. It covers things to consider when including robots in a laboratory workflow.
Automated Coronavirus (COVID-19) Testing Technologies
In an attempt to increase the Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing capacity, the FDA has approved two commercial tests from Roche and ThermoFisher with more on the way. This article describes the automation employed in these and other assays.
Can Automation Help with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic?
Can automation help with the Coronavirus (Covid-19) by protecting people and the economy from the worst effects? Examples of automation helping today.
Automation Prevents Supply Chain Disruption by Coronavirus (COVID-19)
The article discusses examples of how automation prevents supply chain disruption caused by the Coronavirus (Covid-19) or future pandemics.
Train Scientists to Become Automation Experts
Train scientists to program robots, code, and develop the advanced analytics we need. BioTech needs to train scientists to become automation experts.
Q&A: How to Export and Import Scripts for Tecan EVOware
How to export and import scripts (processes)(methods) in Tecan EVOware properly is important in maintaining your library’s labware and carrier definitions.