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What To Do With All My Data? A Primer on Hamilton STAR Data Handling

Comments (4)
  1. Kate Barkus says:


    First, I really appreciated your article. It’s hard to find information about Hamilton Venus software.

    I’m trying to track sequences between runs by finishing each method by writing an output file with the current sequence for all labware used in that method. I have an input Excel file that determines the sequences to be used in the method that I would like to open and append with these data. I’m running into issues getting ‘File: Open’ set with ‘Open to append’ and ‘File: Write’ to work in my method and wondered if you have any suggestions.


  2. Keiran says:

    Hi Kate,

    I’m glad you liked the article and I completely agree that finding information online for Venus is difficult it’s one of the reasons we decided to launch RaveRobot.

    As to your question, do you get any error messages or does the data just not show up in the file?

    You mentioned you are using an Excel file as an input, are you opening the file to read first and not closing it before trying to open it again to append?

    The file commands are also extremely sensitive to the column names and the variable types you are telling them to use. I’ve seen a lot of people accidentally have a typo in the column name or sheet name or also try to write a string out as a float or something, all of which will prevent the command from working.

    Also a useful tip, if you are ever using a .csv file and your column name has a period in it, in the File:Open command that needs to be replaced with a #. (Ex a column called “Plate.Barcode” in the csv file would need to be “Plate#Barcode” in the File:Open command.

  3. Crystall says:

    If the data file has 0 / N/A or EMPTY value in the cell, how can we skip or eliminate that row?

  4. Keiran says:

    Hi Crystall,

    You could wrap the File:Read command in an error handling by user and have it just do nothing in the event of an error. When you hit an erroneous line it would just skip it and keep on going. Unfortunately when you define File:Open you tell it what the variable type is (in your case I’m assuming an int or float) and then when you pull the “N/A” it’s not that type so you get a type mismatch.

    The other option would be to set it as a string, pull the value and write an if statement that runs if the value is not “N/A” or “Empty” and then use the string library to convert it back to an int or float. It’s a bit backwards but it works.

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