It’s challenging to build an automation career for the biologics laboratory. This is because it requires mastery of multiple disparate skills. Those skills need to be paired with scientific knowledge about the things to be automated. We listed our top 10 automation skills to build an automation career as well as the time necessary to acquire them.
Top 10 Automation Skills
- Liquid handling robots
- Multi-mode plate readers
- High throughput liquid chromatography
- Microfluidics analytics
- Automated bioreactors
- Automated storage devices
- Robot arms
- Coding languages
- Automation scheduling software
- 3D Printing
The challenge of defining a laboratory automation career
Many years ago, I gave my first presentation on high throughput process development. This was the first time I was asked by a scientist how to pursue a career in laboratory automation. Two years later, my answer was different from the first time I was asked. In fact, as I responded to different versions of that question through the following years, my answers were always different.
It finally occurred to me why my answer was changing. As time passed, the automation skills that I found most valuable were changing with the challenges I was facing at the time. Unfortunately, when I was asked how to build an automation career, I responded with automation skills needed to do a job.
Automation skills necessary to build a career in laboratory automation
Laboratory automation careers require in depth knowledge of multiple automated systems including liquid handling robots, multimode plate readers, automated bioreactors, HPLCs, and micro-fluidics systems. One could argue that the larger the variety of hardwares, the better, but a deeper, more complete knowledge of a smaller number of systems has served me very well.
In addition to hardware knowledge and the associated scripting language for each, coding and database knowledge is becoming much more important. The ability to hack out code solutions in Python, R, C# or JAVA is highly valuable and allows for prototyping informatics solutions or integrating automated tools together. Also, database skills enabling searching structured databases with SQL or the less structured data lakes for instrument data enables finding and leveraging data.
The area I find the most important and exciting for the automation engineers for the future includes the the application of machine learning to automated processes. Of course this includes supervised and unsupervised learning for evaluation of large data sets that automation can produce. However, the application of reinforcement learning with robots as the agents running experiments. optimizing processes, and learning while doing it is far more interesting.
1) Liquid handling robots

Not all liquid handling robots are used in every lab and the list is actively growing as can be seen from our liquid handling robot list. I have listed the 5 systems that I consider the most relevant in the biologics lab. However, automation skill mastery or experience with other systems is completely appropriate.
Liquid handling robot system knowledge
Mastery of at least 1 (but preferably 2 or more) liquid handling robots
- Hamilton MicroLab STAR
- Tecan Freedom EVO
- Hamilton MicroLab Vantage
- Tecan Fluent
- Beckman Coulter BIOMEK i7
Liquid handling robotics subject matter expertise
The amount of time required to achieve subject matter expertise of liquid handling robots is variable based on the time you can dedicate as well as prior experience. The average novice can be self-sufficient to work and learn independently after around 20 hours of training. Also, a self-sufficient learner can become truly proficient or even achieve a level of mastery in under 6 months of independent study averaging 4 hours/week.
This can be accelerated if the learner has a knowledgable mentor, and a journeyman project that requires intermediate to advanced scripting skills. In depth knowledge of another liquid handling robot will reduce those timelines by half or even more for each new system you learn.
Something to remember is that these are “use it or lose it” skills. I strongly suggest writing challenging scripts, learning new liquid handling robots, mentoring someone else, or working on future capability development at least once a year or lose what you worked so hard to gain.
Subject Matter Expertise training time:
- Basic training: 20 hours
- Journeyman training: 48 – 96 hours
Future capability development
- Integration of analytical data to automate liquid handling and sample prep
- Integration of external robotic arms to transfer samples to and from liquid handler
- Import of info from sample tracking database
- Creation of export files that update sample tracking database and enable automated vial handling (capper/decapper, storage, etc.)
- Subroutine methods that enable variable driven liquid handling
Liquid handling robot links
What is a Liquid Handling Robot?
Adding a 3D model to your Hamilton STAR deck layout
10 tips for writing methods on a Hamilton STAR that you might not know
What to do with all my data a primer on Hamilton STAR data handling
How to write a hitpick method in Hamilton Venus
Fix some unexplained Tecan Freedom EVO system stops
How to export and import scripts for tecan evoware
Fix tip is broken error in Tecan EVOware for Tecan EVO robot
2) Multimode plate-readers

Even though they are prevalent, plate readers are not used in every lab. The list is actively growing as can be seen from our plate reader list. I have listed the 3 systems that I consider the most relevant in the lab. However, mastery of or experience with other systems is completely appropriate.
Multimode plate-reader system knowledge
Mastery of at least 1 but preferably 2 or more multimode plate-readers
- Tecan Spark with Magellan control system
- Perkin Elmer Envision
- Wyatt DynaPro
Multimode plate-reader subject matter expertise
The amount of time required to achieve subject matter expertise of Multimode plate-readers is variable based on the time you can dedicate as well as prior experience. The average novice can be self-sufficient to work and learn independently after around 8 hours of training. Also, a self-sufficient learner can become truly proficient or even achieve a level of mastery in under 3 months of independent study averaging 4 hours/week.
This can be accelerated if the learner has a knowledgable mentor, and a journeyman project that requires utilization of multiple modes. In depth knowledge of other plate readers will reduce those timelines by 75% or even more for each new system you learn.
Like liquid handling robots, these are “use it or lose it” skills. I strongly suggest learning about new systems, mentoring someone else, or working on future capability development at least once a year or lose what you worked so hard to gain.
Multimode plate-reader SME training time:
- Basic training: 8 hours
- Journeyman training: 24 – 48 hours
What are the most important automation skills of plate reader technology capability development?
- Integration of external robotic arms to transfer samples/material in/out of autosampler
- Creation of data report method that integrates results with QC results to assure scientists of result quality
- Automated data analysis and integration with experimental workflow
Multi-mode plate reader links
3) High throughput liquid chromatography

High throughput LC has more to do with assay throughput than it does that actual type of LC analytic. If you’re entire assay is a maximum of 10 minutes (preferably < 5 minutes) we refer to it as a high throughput assay. For that reason, experience with at least 2 but preferably more systems. That experience is essential if you work with high throughput analytics.
HTLC system knowledge
- Agilent 1260 InfinityII with OpenLab
- Agilent 1290 InfinityII 2D-LC with OpenLab
- Waters ACQUITY UPLC H-Class PLUS Bio with Empower
HTLC subject matter expertise
The amount of time required to achieve subject matter expertise of HTLC is variable based on the time you can dedicate as well as prior experience. The average novice can be self-sufficient to work and learn independently after around 12 hours of training. Also, a self-sufficient learner can become truly proficient or even achieve a level of mastery in under 4 months of independent study averaging 4 hours/week.
This can be accelerated if the learner has a knowledgable mentor, and a journeyman project that requires utilization of multiple modes. In depth knowledge of other plate readers will reduce those timelines by 75% or even more for each new system you learn.
Like liquid handling robots, these are “use it or lose it” skills. I strongly suggest learning about new systems, mentoring someone else, or working on future capability development at least once a year or lose what you worked so hard to gain.
HTLC SME training time:
- Basic training: 12 hours
- Journeyman training: 36 – 72 hours
What are the most important automation skills of HTLC development?
- Integration of analytical data streams from the data lake to initiate automation of auto-sampler volumes.
- Integration of external robotic arms to transfer samples/material in/out of auto-sampler.
- Automated quality control methods to demonstrate column and equipment quality before and after sample testing.
- Creation of data report method that integrates results with QC following testing to assure scientists of result quality.
- Automatically rerunning of samples on new columns following a QC failure.
HTLC analytics links
4) Microfluidics analytics

Microfluidics analytics system knowledge
It is advantageous to have experience with at least 1 but preferably 2 or more systems.
- Unchained Labs LUNATIC
- Unchained Labs STUNNER
- Perkin Elmer LabChip GXII Touch
How long does it take to achieve mastery of a microfluidics technology?
Scientists with only limited experience and should be self-sufficient after 8 hours of training. A self-sufficient learner can become truly proficient or even achieve a level of mastery in short order.
What are the most important automation skills of micro fluidics development?
- Automated sample prep prior to procedures
- Integration of external robotic arms to enable the transfer of samples into the autosampler prior to testing
- Automated quality control methods that test equipment quality before and after sample testing
- Creation of a data report method to integrate results with QC results. This will assure scientists of result quality and reliability following the assay
- Automated data analysis and integration with experimental workflow
Microfluidics analytics links
5) Automated bioreactors

Not all automated bioreactors and cell culture robots are used in every lab. The list is actively growing as can be seen from our list of automated bioreactors and cell culture robots. I have listed the 3 systems that I consider the most relevant in the lab. However, mastery of/or experience with other systems is completely appropriate.
Automated bioreactor system knowledge
It is advantageous to have experience with at least 1 but preferably 2 or more systems. That experience is essential if you work with cell culture or prokaryotic expression automation.
- Sartorius Stedim ambr15
- Sartorius Stedim ambr250
- Hamilton MicroLab Star
How long does it take to achieve mastery of an automated bioreactor technology?
Scientists with only limited experience should achieve mastery in 3-12 months if they have a mentor.
What are the most important automation skills of automated bioreactor and cell culture capability development?
- Integration of analytics. As a result, the reduction in manual sampling time (VCD, Lactate, glucose, etc.).
- Integration of external robotic arms. Consequently resulting in the transfer samples/material in/out of BSC.
- Automation of consumable load resulting in the elimination of weekend hours.
- Automated harvest
- Simulated perfusion (ambr15) and Perfusion (ambr250)
Automated bioreactors links
Automated Bioreactors and Cell Culture List
how to choose a liquid handler for sterile cell culture
6) Automated storage devices

Automated storage devices are rapidly gaining traction in the biologics labs. These systems include Automated Freezer Introduction and List. However, they also include ambient storage and incubated storage as well. Ambient storage devices are appropriate for consumables storage while incubators can support stability studies as well as biologics growth. I have listed 3 systems that I consider the most relevant in the lab. However, mastery of or experience with other systems is completely appropriate.
Automated bioreactor system knowledge
It is advantageous to have experience with at least 1 but preferably 2 or more systems. That experience is essential if you work with cell culture or prokaryotic expression automation.
- Hamilton Verso Q-20
- Hamilton SAM HD
- Brooks BioStore III
How long does it take to achieve mastery of an automated storage device?
Scientists with only limited experience and should achieve mastery in <1 month if they have a mentor.
What are the most important automation skills of automated storage device development?
- Integration with automated process technology and other analytics
- Orchestration of external robotic arms and autonomous mobile robots
Automated storage device links
Automated Freezer Introduction and List
7) Robot arms and autonomous mobile robots
Robot arms have become commonplace in labs. In addition, autonomous mobile robots are a new and growing field of sample transport in biologics labs. I have listed the 3 robot arms that I consider the most relevant in the lab. However, mastery of or experience with other systems is completely appropriate.
Robot arm and autonomous cart knowledge
It is advantageous to have experience with at least 1 but preferably 2 or more systems. That experience is essential if you work with cell culture or prokaryotic expression automation.
- Kuka
- Staubli
- Precision
Training time to master
1-3 months
Top Areas of tech/capability development:
- Transferring material from one robot to another
- Collaborative automation
8) Coding languages

It is advantageous to have familiarity with at least 1 coding language but mastery of 1 or more is rewarded. If you are interested in the best coding languages, check out Top 5 coding languages for laboratory robotics and automation – Robot-Reflections
- Python
- R
- C#
- Java
10) 3D Printing
- Makerbot or similar
- Software: Solid works
Top Areas of tech/capability development:
- Integrated circuitry
- Micro-fluidic flow-paths
Any thoughts on this list regarding the example systems? What about the training time? Additionally, are there other skills to consider?
If you are interested in any of our other lists, check out Rave Robot’s List page.
Hello, this article is really nice. I am interested in knowing the skills I need to develop biologic lab auto and this is interesting. do you provide training?
We do not at this time offer direct training on programming/scripting robots. We are planning on writing up some basic how to articles similar to the how to write a hitpick article for Hamilton that I did previously which would cover some of the basics. Most vendors for robots include training as part of the purchase and most if not all do multiple training courses annually that you can take for a fee. Some will offer their training materials and software as well so someone who has a basic background in the concept might be able to pick it up on their own as well. Some companies like the one I work for where we have heavily invested in lab automation also offer internal trainings to their employees so depending on where you work might be worth reaching out and seeing if something like that is available. One important thing with automation training, any programming training honestly, if you don’t use it and practice you will loose it so make sure you have access to the equipment and time from your management to dedicate ahead of time.
This is a great resource and I found it when searching for Hamilton Venus software tips.
Perhaps for 1) add Agilent Bravo liquid handlers to the list. Its a pretty versatile pipettor and a lot of companies use it and have multiple copies.